What are Communities
Communities are special areas in SaySo that are centred around a theme or interest area. They are exclusive, invitation only areas of SaySo for selected members based on their preferences and interests.
Communities have their own unique imagery and branding - but are still a part of SaySo. Examples of themes include home improvement, pets, technology, beauty, etc. We will be adding more Communities all the time.
Some communities are sponsored by a particular client, but this is not always the case.
How do I access a Community
We will match you to Communities that we think you will enjoy and are suited to based on your preferences and interests. You will receive an invitation and may have to complete some initial profiling activities before joining.
Once you have joined a community, you will see a tab for it at the top of your feed on the SaySo home page. You can simply click that link to show you the content for that Community only.
Community activities will also appear in your general SaySo feed, so you don't need to look in each Community to find your activities.
How do I know if an Activity is from a Community
Activities from a community will have the Community's logo in the corner
What are the advantages of belonging to a Community
As a member of a SaySo Community you have access to more activities, and therefore more opportunities to earn points. You will also be a part of a group of like-minded people with similar interests that you can talk to and share ideas with.
Can I leave a Community
Yes, of course (although we would love you to stay). Just go to your Profile, click the My Communities tab and click Unsubscribe for the Community you no longer wish to be a part of. You will still be a member of SaySo and any other Communities you are a part of.